Cybersecurity Planning

Cybersecurity planning is very often overlooked in today’s business world. Why, we don’t really know, because if you think logically a business will put together plans for the business. These will include financial, marketing, sales, business continuity, disaster recovery and many more. Unleashed, would argue, that cybersecurity planning is just as important, if not more so than all the fore mentioned. With the exception of a general business plan!

Maybe the main reason that cybersecurity planning is overlooked is that a lot of companies haven’t thought about doing it. And, when you start. it can be a lot of work to put any remedial action into place. Or, you could just be burying your head in the sand. Either way, you have to accept that cybersecurity now underpins everything you do in the digital world.

A Cybersecurity plan, like other business plans, will help your IT team to understand where you are now with cybersecurity and where you would like to be. Let’s face it cyber-criminals are not standing still they are constantly looking for new ways to infiltrate your network. This means, as a business, you can’t stand still. You have to have a well-defined cyber strategy that is agreed upon at the senior management level and adhered to.

What does a Cybersecurity plan include?

Unleashed has identified a six-step strategy to provide you with a cyber plan that can be changed and updated as your business grows or systems change.

The first step is to understand your IT environment, if you don’t know what is there, you cannot protect it.

You have to take into consideration the risk to your business in the event of a cyber-attack or data breach. This should include vulnerability scans and a few friendly attacks to see how your security stands up.

Once we know your environment we can look at how best to protect it. This could be hardware or software, it could just be education. 70% of today’s attacks will originate internally. This could be from a malicious attack or user error. The worrying statistic is that it can take up to 469 days to find a data breach – Scary! We can help you with systems that will flag up a data attack immediately.

We will look at your security/email and Internet policies, and make recommendations or pat you on the back if we don’t find anything wrong!

Your data is your business, without that you are finished. Our cyber plan will look at where you store and how you back up your data. In the event of a disaster, how quickly can you recover the business and get everybody back up and working? Downtime is very expensive.

6 Step Cybersecurity Plan
  • 1. Asset Identification
  • 2. Risk Assessment
  • 3. Security Policies
  • 4. Compliance

  • 5. Disaster Recovery
  • 6. Cyber Security Report


We understand you may be sick or hearing and receiving emails about GDPR. But it is now the law and in some way, shape or form it is going to affect every business. How it affects your business will be different from your neighbour next door. The difficult thing is knowing what to do when to do it and ensuring you have a budget for it.

GDPR doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money if you plan correctly and prepare for the new legislation.

There are obviously other compliance issues that may govern how you do business. You could have a governing body that states you have to do things a certain way. This is becoming more popular with tenders when it is being mandated that Cyber Essentials Plus is a requirement. It could just as easily be ISO27001 or ISO90001. A Cyber Plan will cover all these areas.

Finally, all our findings will be documented in an easy-to-read, easy-to-follow report. This report will highlight the good things you are doing as well as any action that you need to take.


To arrange your Cybersecurity Plan please get in touch
