Why have we Unleashed Altaro?
There are more than 40,000 small and mid-sized businesses that trust Altaro to protect their virtual environments. This backup solution works with Hyper-V and VMware.
Simple, efficient, cost-effective and easy to use. Perfect for small to medium-sized virtual environments.
For more information you can visit the Altaro website
With virtual machine backup you can be up and be running within minutes – there are no complex configurations.
Why Altaro is right for your business

Fast, reliable restores and recovery
- Instantly boot any VM from backup
- Check your backups with the Altaro Backup Health Monitor
- Granular restore of emails and files
- Bare metal restore
- Advanced automation and reporting
- Remote Management
- Capability to run multiple back up and restore jobs
- Integrity testing
Find out how Virtual Machine backup can help your business
Contact us
If you would like to see how Altaro fits into your business, call 0333 240 0565. For more cybersecurity products, please get in touch