Why have we Unleashed Unitrends?

All-in-One Enterprise Backup & Continuity (UEB) because it is a very good product.

It will do everything you want it to do. It will compete with any product in the backup and Disaster Recovery space. However, it does have one thing that a lot of other competing products does not have, and that is the name. Unitrends have been a market leader in this space for some time and you know it will just work!

All-in-One Enterprise Backup & Continuity

Recovery Series appliances, simplify local backup and offsite compliance requirements. UEB utilises an all-in-one appliance, that delivers enterprise backup and continuity to your business. These physical appliances are pre-loaded and pre-tuned with powerful software. They not only cover on-premises backup but also long-term retention and disaster recovery in their dedicated Cloud.

Unique Recovery Assurance automates backup and recovery testing. This frees you up to work on important projects while remaining confident you can recover if and when data and servers are lost.

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All-In-One Enterprise Backup and Continuity

Features of the Unitrends Recovery Series Appliances

All-in One Enterprise Scalability – Server, storage and backup software bundled completely into the appliance that scale from 2Tb – 3.6Pb More…

Local & Cloud Recovery Assurance – Instantly recover physical and virtual machines. Plus, automate recovery testing, site and application failover, ransomware detection, and disaster recovery compliance, both locally and in the Unitrends cloud. More…

Ransomware Protection – Multiple capabilities to quickly identify, test and recover from a ransomware attack. More…

Expert Customer Support – Recovery Series appliances are backed by our expert Customer Support Team, which consistently receives 98% satisfaction rating for our customers across the globe. More…

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Get a free trial of a Unitrends appliance

UnitrendsSign up today for your free trial of a Unitrends appliance and see how easy it is to setup a backup and disaster recovery solution.


Contact us

If you would like to see how Unitrends fits into your business, call 0333 240 0565. For more cybersecurity products, please get in touch.