You’ve got the best IT strategy in the world, and that’s a fact. It’s genius, foolproof and will take my business into the 22nd century…
At least, that’s would you’d like to tell yourself. Maybe you already do, and that’s wonderful. But let’s dial it back a bit; no IT strategy is foolproof. There’s always something that can pull the rug out from under you, whether you expect it or not. Usually you won’t be expecting it, so Unleashed have highlighted some possible factors for you to consider, in the hopes of making your IT strategy just a bit more foolproof.
Your consultant goes on holiday
Your IT consultant is flying out to Singapore for a month to do some serious soul searching. Unfortunately this means your IT division could be hung out to dry without any kind of guidance for that length of time. This is one reason why outsourcing your IT consultancy is usually the better move for smaller businesses; if your in-house man is away for whatever reason, things can fall apart quickly. By outsourcing there’s always someone readily available to support you.
The power’s been cut
A rare occurrence to be sure, but with so much electricity running through your building it’s bound to happen eventually. Ensure your staff are saving their work regularly if their machines rely on the mains (laptops and other battery powered devices will have an easier time), and have backups prepared in case you lose something important. Not having backups when the lights come back on can impose potentially disastrous consequences for your IT strategy, so be sure to plan ahead!
There’s a hot new social network in town
Google Plus, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Instagram and so on; social networks that aren’t Facebook and Twitter are a dime a dozen, and most provide something a little different from, well, the usual Facebook and Twitter. However, very few manage to make a real name for themselves, and some simply vanish from the face of the earth (remember Myspace? Bebo, perhaps?). In any case, it may sound inane but you should always be on the lookout for ways to promote your business, and social media is one of the most effective (and cheapest) methods. Another social network is simply yet another way to advertise/express yourself, thus you have nothing to lose in creating a new page.
Your staff are a little too prone to procrastination
Procrastination, in moderation, is not necessarily a bad thing. Taking a couple of minutes to clear your head amongst a busy working schedule can help your staff to focus better, and increase their creative ability. However, we’ve heard of several workplaces where procrastinating is the task at hand. You need to make sure this isn’t the case for you or your business.

Don’t turn your workplace into a dystopia! Your staff should enjoy their jobs.
Staff morale
This links in with the previous point but it bears a special mention. Make sure your staff are motivated to work and enjoy their job; staff morale should be part of your business strategy, else you risk proving Orwell right. High morale means your staff will always be on task, making their work more timely, relevant and of a higher quality.